
Do I have to print out my e-visa or can I show it on my phone?

Information on e-visa

When planning your trip, it is essential to know whether you need to print your e-visa or you can simply show it on your phone. The importance of understanding this process can save you a lot of trouble at the airport and when you enter your destination country.

As a general rule, we recommend that you have a printed version of your electronic visa. Some checkpoints and immigration officers may require a paper copy, although digital documents are increasingly accepted. Having a printed copy guarantees you a back-up solution in the event of a problem with your electronic device or battery failure.

However, it is always a good idea to check the specific requirements of the destination country. Some countries accept the submission of electronic documents without any problem, while others maintain stricter requirements for paper copies.

  • Find out more on the official embassy or consulate websites.
  • Consult the immigration authorities or airlines for up-to-date information.

In addition, it is a good idea to save an electronic copy of your Visa in several places: phone, tablet and e-mail address. This gives you access to your important documents in the event of loss or theft. You should also check that your file format is readable on all your devices.

Finally, don't forget that some airlines may also ask for your visa to be checked when you board. Always check your airline's requirements before travelling to avoid any misunderstandings.

Terms and conditions of use

A electronic visa is an official document issued by the authorities of a country allowing a traveller to enter and stay for a specified period. This type of visa is usually sent by e-mail once it has been approved.

Many travellers wonder whether they should print their electronic visa or if they can simply show it on their phone. The answer depends on the specific requirements of the country you are visiting.

Most countries accept a digital version of the electronic visaHowever, it is always advisable to check the official guidelines of the country in question to avoid any complications on arrival.

The authorities in some countries still require a paper copy of the e-visa to be presented on arrival. In these cases, it is advisable to print out one or more copies of the document to be prepared for any eventuality.

It is also important to keep a digital copy of the visa on your phone or other electronic device, in case paper copies are lost or damaged.

To be fully prepared, here is a list of actions to take:

  • Check the country requirements on electronic visas.
  • Print several copies of the e-visa if necessary.
  • Keep a digital copy on your phone.
  • Make sure you have the additional documents required by the local authorities.

By following these recommendations, you will minimise the risk of problems at international ports of entry and ensure a stress-free journey.

Visa validity

When you get a electronic visaIf you have an e-visa, it is essential to know how to present it to the authorities when you arrive at your destination. Most countries recommend that you print out your e-visa, even if you can show it on your mobile phone. It is preferable to always have a paper copy to hand in case of technical problems with your mobile device.

The e-visa is an official document authorising stays of up to three months. short term for tourism, business or personal purposes. You can usually obtain your e-visa online via the website of the embassy or immigration services of the country you are visiting. Once approved, you will receive your e-visa by e-mail.

La visa validity The time it takes to obtain an electronic visa varies depending on the issuing country, but can range from a few weeks to several months. Check the dates and conditions of use of your visa carefully. Make sure that all the personal details entered are correct and match those in your passport.

Some country require the e-visa to be presented in printed form on entry, while others simply accept verification on your smartphone. However, printing your visa is still a safer option to avoid potential problems such as a flat battery or lack of internet connection.

  • Print out a copy of your e-visa and keep it with your other travel documents.
  • Also have a digital backup of your e-visa on your phone or other electronic device.
  • Check with the authorities in the country you are visiting for specific requirements concerning the presentation of the electronic visa.

By following these recommendations, you can be sure of having every chance of getting through border controls with ease. Printing your Visa is a simple but crucial step in making your travel easier.

Steps to take

THE electronic visaThe e-visa is an official travel authorisation in digital format. A frequent question from many travellers concerns whether they need to print this document or whether it is acceptable to show it directly on their mobile phone.

To answer this question, it is essential to check the specific instructions of the destination country. Most countries strongly recommend print the electronic visa to avoid any potential problems at the border. This allows you to have a physical backup copy in case of technical problems with your phone or if the authorities require a paper version.

Some countries allow you to view your e-visa directly on your phone. However, this practice is not universal and may vary depending on customs controls. It is therefore advisable to check the country's specific requirements before travelling.

The information contained in an electronic visa generally includes:

  • Name and surname of holder
  • Passport number
  • Type of visa
  • Period of validity
  • Special conditions (if applicable)

Please check that all this information is correct before departure. Any errors could lead to delays or refusal of entry.

To get the most out of your electronic visa, follow these few tips:

  • Check the entry requirements of the destination country.
  • Print out your e-visa and keep it with your travel documents.
  • Keep a backup copy on your phone in case of emergency.
  • Make sure your passport is valid for the required period.

By following these recommendations, you can minimise the risk of complications during your trip and pass through customs with greater peace of mind.

Use of e-visa

find out if you need to print out your e-visa or if you can present it on your phone. get the information you need to travel with complete peace of mind.

The question of whether you should print your electronic visa or whether you can simply show it on your phone is common. The answer depends mainly on the requirements of the country you are visiting and the airlines you use.

In some countries, the authorities prefer a paper copy of your e-visa. It is important to check the specific guidelines on the official government website or with the consular services. By having a printed copy, you avoid any potential problems linked to battery failure or technical malfunction of your telephone.

However, more and more countries now accept the digital version of the e-visa, making travel more convenient. Here's some advice on whether you can present your e-visa on your phone:

  • Consult the entry requirements of the destination country.
  • Check the information provided by the airline.
  • Keep a digital copy on your phone and another on an online storage service.
  • Make sure your phone is charged before you arrive at the airport.

Having a digital copy allows you to travel lighter and reduces the risk of losing important documents. However, having a printed copy on hand offers extra security in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

In conclusion, it's a good idea to prepare for specific requirements and have a back-up solution, such as a printed copy, to avoid unnecessary stress when you travel.

On paper

It is common for many travellers to ask themselves whether they should print their electronic visa or if they can simply show it on their mobile phone. The answer largely depends on the specific rules of the destination country.

In some cases, border authorities may accept a digital version of your electronic visa displayed on your smartphone. This can be practical for travellers who prefer to avoid carrying extra paper documents. However, it is important to check the specific requirements of the country you are visiting beforehand.

In many countries, it is still recommended, or even compulsory, to present a print version of your electronic visa. This can make border checks easier and prevent complications in the event of a technical problem with your phone, such as a flat battery or poor internet connection.

Here are some useful recommendations:

  • Check the specific requirements of the destination country for the electronic visa.
  • Always have a paper copy of your e-visa with you.
  • Make sure that the digital copy of your visa is accessible offline on your phone.

By following these tips, you'll be better prepared to pass the border controls without added stress. Enjoy your trip!

On smartphone

Electronic visa (e-visa) is a practical solution for modern travellers, but the question of whether this document has to be printed out or can be shown on a smartphone remains relevant. Guidelines may vary depending on the destination country and airline regulations.

It is always advisable to consult the official website of the government of your destination to check their requirements for submitting an e-visa. This can avoid complications and delays during your trip.

Some countries allow you to show your e-visa directly on a smartphoneImmigration officers are often equipped to scan these documents digitally.

Other countries, on the other hand, require a printed copy of the e-visa. Here are some reasons why you may need a paper copy:

  • Airport security checks.
  • Local immigration regulations.
  • Any technical faults with your smartphone.

You should also make sure that your e-visa is easily accessible on your phone, with your screen bright enough for officials to read it without difficulty.

When in doubtIf you're planning to travel abroad, it's a good idea to have both a digital and a printed copy of your e-visa. This ensures that you are prepared for all eventualities, whatever the preferred method of presentation at border control.

On tablet

When you get a electronic visaA common question that arises is whether you need to print it out or whether you can simply show it on your phone. The answer to this question often depends on the regulations of the country you are visiting and the specific requirements of the airline you are travelling with.

We strongly recommend that you print your electronic visa. Some control authorities and customs checkpoints prefer a paper version. What's more, the printed version may prove indispensable if your electronic device breaks down or if your phone battery runs out. Having a physical copy of your visa can save a lot of trouble at these critical moments.

However, it is generally accepted that you can also show your e-visa on your phone or tablet as long as the screen is in good condition and the document is clear and legible. This option is particularly practical for those who are often on the move and prefer to reduce the number of documents they need to carry.

It's a good idea to check the specific requirements of your destination country and those of your airline before your departure. You can find this information on the websites of embassies and consulates, or directly from the airline.

To sum up, although presenting your e-visa on your phone is accepted in many cases, printing out a copy is still a wise precaution. This will ensure that you are prepared for all eventualities and make it easier for you to pass through the various checkpoints.

Print electronic visa Show on phone
Yes No
We recommend that you print out your eVisa to avoid any technical or battery problems with your phone. Most countries now accept electronic visas presented on your phone, but check the specific requirements of the country you are visiting.


When it comes to presenting its electronic visa At international points of entry, it's essential to know whether a paper printout is required or whether showing the document on your phone will suffice. This information is crucial to avoid unnecessary stress when travelling.

Although many countries agree to view the electronic visa directly on a mobile device, it is always advisable to print a hard copy for a number of reasons:

  • A printed document is a back-up solution if your phone runs out of battery or encounters technical problems.
  • Some immigration officers prefer or require a paper version to speed up the verification process.
  • If your phone is lost or stolen, a paper copy is still available, so you don't have to worry about anything else.

Also make sure that your electronic visa is clearly legible on your mobile device. To do this, store it in a reliable document management application or as a clear screenshot.

Before you leave, always check the specific visa requirements of the destination country. This information is generally available on the official websites of embassies or consulates.

A little preparation, such as printing your electronic visa and verification of local requirements, can greatly facilitate your passage through ports of entry and make your travels more worry-free.

Saving your electronic visa

When you travel with a electronic visaThe most important thing is to know whether you need to print it out or whether it can be displayed on your phone. This depends mainly on the requirements of the destination country and the airlines.

Some border authorities and airlines prefer a printed version of the electronic visa to make it easier to check quickly. Having a physical copy can also be useful in the event of a problem with your phone, such as a flat battery or device malfunction.

  • Check the specific requirements of the destination country regarding the presentation of the electronic visa.
  • Print a copy of your electronic visa for greater security, even if a digital version is accepted.
  • Take several printed copies with you in case you lose one or need to provide one for a hotel reservation or other administrative situation.
  • Make sure that the digital version of your electronic visa is stored on your phone and easily accessible.

For added security, remember to back up your electronic visa on several media:

  • Email a copy to yourself so that you can access it from any Internet-connected device.
  • Store a copy on an online storage service such as Google Drive or Dropbox.
  • Keep a copy on a USB key to take with you when you travel.

Having these back-ups will enable you to present your project quickly and easily. electronic visa if necessary.

Internet connection

When you receive a electronic visaIt's crucial to understand whether you need to print it out or whether you can show it directly on your phone during checks. Guidelines vary from country to country, so it's essential to check the specific requirements of the destination.

In general, it is advisable to print out the e-visa to avoid any complications. Some checkpoints may require a printed copy, and it is preferable to have a paper version to hand in case of connection or battery problems.

What's more, some airports and airlines ask to see a printed version of your e-visa before boarding. Although showing your visa on your phone may be sufficient in some cases, having a paper copy can reassure you and avoid unnecessary delays.

If you lose your phone, a printed version also serves as a backup. A paper copy can be quickly presented to the customs authorities, ensuring that your border crossing goes smoothly.

  • Print always have a copy of your e-visa.
  • Keep this copy in a safe but accessible place, such as in your hand luggage.
  • Also keep a version of digital on your phone for quick access.
  • Check the specific requirements of your destination by consulting the official websites of the embassies or consulates concerned.
  • Consult the instructions from your airline regarding the documents you need to provide before boarding.

It is important to consider your access to a stable internet connection. In some airports, the connection may be intermittent or non-existent. This can make it difficult to display your electronic visa on your phone. A internet connexion can cause delays and additional problems during your journey.

Various countries strongly advise against exclusive reliance on digital versions of travel documents. In the event of a technical breakdown, have a copy printed guarantees that you will always be able to present all the necessary documents.

In conclusion, although presenting your e-visa on your phone may work in some cases, printing a copy is a recommended practice for hassle-free travel. It provides the extra flexibility and security that is often crucial when crossing borders.

Additional precautions

The question of whether you should print your electronic visa or simply show it on your phone is commonplace among modern travellers.

Many countries now accept digital versions electronic visas, which means that you can actually present your visa on your smartphone or tablet at the entrance to most destinations. However, this practice is not universal.

It is advisable to check the specific requirements of the country you are visiting. Some control authorities still prefer printed copies for various reasons. Always consult the official website of the immigration authorities in your destination country or contact their embassy for precise information.

Here are some general recommendations:

  • Print out a copy of your electronic visa in case of technical problems with your device.
  • Keep a digital copy on different devices to avoid loss.

In addition to printing and digital preservation, it is advisable to :

  • Keep a saved version in your e-mail or a cloud.
  • Update your phone to avoid any malfunctions during your journey.
  • Attach your travel insurance and any other important documents in your printed file.

These measures will help you reduce the stress associated with formalities and ensure a smoother arrival at your destination.


When you travel abroad, you may be wondering whether you should print your electronic visa or if you can simply show it on your phone. The answer may vary depending on the destination and the airline, but it's important to follow a few good practices to avoid inconvenience at the airport.

Some customs authorities and airlines accept the presentation of electronic visas on mobile devices. However, it is always advisable to check the specific requirements of your destination country before you leave. Consult the embassy or consulate website for precise information.

As a general rule, it's a good idea to print out a hard copy as well as keeping a digital version on your phone. This can be particularly useful if your phone loses power or breaks down. Having a paper copy can also speed up procedures in the event of a faulty internet network.

  • Check the specific requirements of the destination country.
  • Print out a hard copy of your e-visa.
  • Keep a digital version on your phone.
  • Make sure your phone is sufficiently charged.

By following these tips, you can reduce the risk of complications associated with checking your e-visa and travel with complete peace of mind.

Ease of use

Get a electronic visa has become an increasingly accessible process for frequent travellers. However, one question remains: should it beprint or can you show it directly on your phone?

Many countries around the world have adopted the digital format for visas. As a result, it is often possible to present your e-visa from your mobile device at customs. This option is particularly practical for people who want to reduce the amount of paper documents they carry when travelling.

However, we strongly recommend that you consult the specific requirements of the destination country. Some countries may require a print version of the e-visa for verification. Not having a printed copy could cause delays or complications when entering the country.

To avoid any unforeseen problems, we recommend that you follow these steps:

  • Check the requirements of the destination country for an e-visa.
  • Print a copy of the electronic visa if you need it.
  • Keep a digital version on your phone as a backup.

By having both a digital and a printed copy of your e-visa, you can be sure that you will receive a stress-free entry whatever country you visit.

Data security

The question of whether you should print your electronic visa or simply show it on your phone depends on the specific requirements of the country you are visiting. Each country has its own rules on the presentation of travel documents. It is important to check the instructions from the authorities before leaving.

In some countries, it is acceptable to present a digital copy of your e-visa on your phone. However, it is advisable to have a printed version in case of technical problems.

To avoid any problems at the airport or border, make sure you :

  • Check the official requirements of the country of destination.
  • Having a print version of your e-visa.
  • Keep a digital copy accessible on your phone.
  • Keep these documents in a safe place secure.

By taking these precautions, you minimise the risk of delays or refusal to enter the country.

La data security is also crucial. Keep your phone and printed versions of your documents in a safe place, especially in high-traffic areas. Avoid sharing them or showing them to unauthorised persons.


When obtaining a electronic visaOne question that is frequently asked is whether it is necessary to use theprint or if it is acceptable to show it directly on a mobile phone.

It's crucial to understand that requirements can vary from country to country. Some countries insist on a printed copy of your visa, while others accept an electronic version on your mobile device. It is therefore advisable to check the specific instructions provided by the visa-issuing authority.

For countries that accept an electronic format, a few precautions should be taken:

  • Make sure your phone battery is sufficiently charged.
  • Keep a copy of the visa in a document storage application for offline access.
  • Take a screenshot of your visa so that you can present it quickly.

If the country's regulations require a paper versionPrint your visa in advance. Printing it at the airport can be complicated and potentially cause delays. What's more, a hard copy can be useful in the event of a technical fault with your telephone.

Although more and more countries are accepting electronic visas over the phone, it is still preferable to have a paper version. This dual preparation allows you to deal with any unforeseen circumstances, giving you added peace of mind during your trip. Check with the local authorities or official websites for precise requirements before you leave.

By taking both an electronic copy and a paper copy of your visa, you can be sure that you will receive the most accurate visa possible. maximum flexibility so you can travel with peace of mind.

R : You can usually show your e-visa on your phone. However, it is always advisable to have a printed version of your visa to avoid any problems when you travel.