
Cameroon makes it easier to obtain visas with the launch of e-visas

For several months, the Cameroonian government has put in place an innovative system to facilitate the procedures related to obtaining a visa to enter its territory. The e-visa, available on the website, allows foreign nationals to apply for and obtain a visa online without having to travel to an embassy or consulate. Agencies like, also allow you to obtain it while avoiding the hassle of document management.

Simplification of visa application procedures

The new e-visa system was introduced to meet a growing need to welcome tourists and foreign investors to Cameroon. This system simplifies administrative procedures for visa applicants and reduces queues in the country's embassies and consulates.

How does the e-visa work?

To apply for an e-visa, simply go to a site offering the service (possibly and follow the steps indicated. The documents required for the application are: a valid passport, an identity photo and proof of travel (plane ticket, hotel reservation, etc.). Once these elements have been provided, the applicant must make the online payment of the application fees.

After validation of the request, the requester receives by email a confirmation of his request and a tracking number. This number will make it possible to follow the progress of the file and, once the e-visa has been granted, to download the official document to be presented to the authorities upon entry into Cameroonian territory.

The advantages of the e-visa

This system has several advantages for applicants. First of all, it avoids costly and tedious travel to a Cameroonian embassy or consulate. In addition, the processing of applications is generally faster than in these institutions, which allows you to obtain your visa in just a few days. Finally, secure online payment guarantees the confidentiality of users' banking data.

Processing times for e-visas in Cameroon

The Cameroonian government is committed to quickly processing e-visa applications in order to facilitate the reception of foreign nationals on its territory. Processing times vary depending on the type of visa requested and the nationality of the applicant.

Deadlines for tourist and business visas

For tourist and business visas, the average processing time announced by the authorities is 72 hours3 working days. However, it is advisable to submit your application at least  days before the planned date of travel, in order to take into account possible delays or administrative problems.

Deadlines for long-stay and study visas

Long-stay visas (more than 180 days) and study visas generally take longer to process, up to several weeks. It is therefore advisable to allow enough time to obtain your e-visa before departure.

The launch of the e-visa and its future prospects

Cameroon has joined the list of African countries which have already implemented an e-visa system, such as Kenya and Uganda. This measure aims to stimulate the arrival of foreign tourists and investors in the country, by facilitating their administrative procedures.

A positive impact on tourism

The introduction of the e-visa could have a beneficial effect on the tourism sector in Cameroon, in particular thanks to the simplification of procedures and reduced processing times. In addition, this will increase the country's visibility on the international scene and attract more visitors.

Economic benefits for Cameroon

Beyond the advantages for visa applicants, the e-visa should also generate economic benefits for Cameroon. Indeed, the facilitation of administrative procedures can encourage foreign investments, thus creating new business opportunities and promoting the development of the country.