
The main Cameroonian cities

Cameroon is located in the heart of Central Africa, this privileged location allows it to be a cultural, economic and ethnic crossroads. It is associated with wealth and diversity on many levels. It has a diverse environment and its size gives it a dual climate, so you can discover its beaches bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, its tropical forests, its steppes, its mangroves and its mountains!

There are many activities : depending on the area you are in and your choice of stay. You can enjoy magnificent beaches for a relaxing holiday, if you are sporty, you can go trekking to conquer the Cameroonian Mountains, hike along the stretches of wooded savannah of Adamaoua or the grassy savannah of the north... In family, as well as alone, you can discover one of the many national parks. Depending on your position, there is bound to be one! You will find the most popular ones, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, but also lesser known but equally majestic parks.

Without a doubt, Cameroon will amaze you with its diversity of landscapes, but it also has other treasures: according to the IRD (Institute of Research and Development) there are approximately 250 ethnic groups identified in the territory Cameroonian, the cities have thus developed through several languages, cultures, traditions, specialties and art of living... Here we are going to show you the cities which have marked us with their particular atmosphere, let yourself be guided...


A seaside and port city, it is known for being the intersection of sandy beaches and a magnificent equatorial forest. But don't be fooled, it's full of so many other hidden gems. Among other things, here is an overview:

By traveling just a few kilometers, you will come across a fishing village called Londji, a truly cosmopolitan village which has had its post office and several trading posts since the beginning of the 20th century.

In a completely different direction, but not far away, you can witness a rare spectacle with the Lobé estuary, where a river flows into the ocean in a cascade. It is of incomparable splendor.


Urban community in the heart of the equatorial forest, this city offers you a landscape split in two, between historical monuments like the Cathedral of Sainte Anne and Joachim d'Abanget and luxury hotels.

She attracts by her history but also by its curiosities, like the remains of the German fort, its artificial lake, or even “Ndoum ebet'akok” a large baobab which grows under a stone…


Located in the Western region, this city has a great heritage historical. City royal, it is distinguished by its architectural ensembles of traditional chiefdoms.

Do not hesitate to go to the Palace of the Bafoussam Kings, in addition to its typical architecture of domed palaver huts, in this historic building you can discover 800 years of history of the Bamileké royalty in Bafoussam. In the center is the Hanging Tree, a tree at the heart of traditions.


Political and administrative capital, this city is nicknamed “the city of seven hills”, for these 7 emblematic hills: Akok Ndoué, Mbog Ndum, Minloa, Ebaminala, Messa, Mbankolo and Fébé. It is marked by its skyscrapers, buildings and tourist sites.

We discover the riches of its history with must-sees such as the Notre-Dame-des-Victoires cathedral, the Marie-Reine-des-Apôtres basilica, the national museum of Cameroon, the presidential palace, but also sites of daily life like Independence Square and the Central Market.

A tourist town, it offers many activities and events are organized throughout the year, for the greatest pleasure of travelers, just a click away with the electronic visa