
Launch of the e-visa in Cameroon: between success and payment problems

The Cameroonian government has launched a new system for obtaining electronic visas to facilitate procedures for travelers. However, despite this technological advancement, many users encounter payment problems and deplore delays in processing their requests.

The official launch of the e-visa in Cameroon

In response to a growing demand to facilitate visa procedures for foreign nationals wishing to travel to Cameroon, the government has decided to set up an electronic visa system. The latter allows tourists and businessmen to complete their procedures online and receive their visa by email without having to go to the country's diplomatic representations.

The advantages of the e-visa

The main advantage of this new system is the simplification of procedures for travelers. In fact, you just need to fill out a online form, pay the application fees and wait for receipt of the visa by email. In addition, this solution offers considerable time savings since we no longer need to travel to the embassy or consulate.

Furthermore, being able to manage your file online also allows you to follow the progress of your request and to be informed quickly in the event of a problem. The Cameroonian authorities hope to attract more visitors and facilitate trade with foreign countries.

Payment problems and delays in processing requests

However, since the official launch of the system, several travelers have encountered payment problems when submitting their file. In fact, some have had their transaction refused by their bank, while others have been unable to complete the payment online. In addition, some users have reported errors on the platform, making it impossible to finalize their request.

Lack of information and communication

Faced with these dysfunctions, the travelers concerned deplore a lack of information and communication from the competent authorities. Some believe that they should have been warned of the potential difficulties linked to online payment before starting their procedures. Especially since the processing times for requests also seem to have been extended following these problems.

While the official website announces a processing time of 72 hours, many people have had to wait longer to obtain their electronic visa. In some cases, delays can even exceed a week, jeopardizing the travel plans of those affected.

Measures planned to resolve the problems

In order to overcome these difficulties, the Cameroonian government and partners involved in the implementation of the e-visa system are currently working to improve the platform. Several measures are envisaged:

Simplifying the payment process

To solve the problems related to online payment, it is a question of integrating new payment options, more accessible and universal, such as PayPal or other international payment solutions.

Optimization of request processing

With the aim of reducing waiting times, the competent authorities also plan to strengthen the processing of applications by improving coordination between the different services concerned. Furthermore, better communication with users could keep them informed of the progress of their file and reassure them that the announced deadlines will be respected.