Frequently Asked Questions

✋ Can I obtain a visa on arrival in Cameroon?

No visa is issued on arrival in Cameroon, you must apply for your visa before your departure. Only the following nationalities are exempt: Chad, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon.

⏱ How long before my departure should I apply for my Cameroon eVisa?

We advise you to apply for a visa at least days before your departure for Cameroon.

⏰ How long does it take to process an application?

Processing time is around 7 days for urgent departures. If you apply too far in advance, we will send you your visa as close as possible to your departure date.

👶🏾 Are children also affected?

Yes, minors must also have their visa. You can group their request in the same form. The price and the documents to be provided are the same as for an adult, plus an authorization to leave the territory if the child is not traveling with both parents.

To leave France, and if the minor leaves French territory without legal guardian, he must be provided with a AST (authorization to leave the territory). This document can be requested online, and must be completed by one of the holders of parental authority. During the trip, this form must be accompanied by a copy of the identity document of the legal guardian.

🔄 How long is the Cameroonian visa valid?

An eVisa for Cameroon allows you to stay up to 180 days in the territory (it is the authorities who decide the duration of validity of your eVisa. The latter begins on the date of arrival in the territory that you indicated in your form). Depending on the visa requested, it is valid for up to 6 months or up to 1 year.

✋ Can I enter Cameroon by land or sea?

The eVisa does not yet allow this possibility. It simply allows entry by air to this day. If you wish to enter by land or sea, you must obtain a standard visa from the embassy.

⏳ Do we have to respect a deadline between two Cameroon visas?

There is no time limit between two trips to Cameroon. However, it is important to note that Cameroonian authorities may carefully review visa applications from those who have recently visited the country.

⏱ Do you need a visa to transit through Cameroon?

For a transit of less than 24 hours without leaving the airport you will not need a visa.

🗳 I have already submitted a file on my own, but I have not heard anything, what should I do?

If you have not gone through our service to submit your Cameroon visa file, we cannot keep track of it.

Likewise, we cannot submit a new file if the embassy or consulate does not respond to your follow-up requests and if a file is already under investigation.

🤔 Can I extend my Cameroon eVisa?

Before your visa expires and in order to extend its validity, you can contact the local authorities, in particular by visiting a Cameroonian immigration office.

💉 What vaccinations are required to go to Cameroon?

A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required for travelers aged over 9 months to enter the country. See the vaccination obligations for Cameroon.

😲 I made a mistake in my request, what should I do?

If you realize an error before validating your administrative documents, please let us know what correction to make.

Beyond this moment, corrections can no longer be applied. We invite you to contact us for more information.

Once the visa is issued, its data cannot be modified. You will need to submit a new application if your information differs significantly, with the risk that the authorities will refuse multiple requests.

📄 Is taking out insurance compulsory in Cameroon?

Travel insurance is not compulsory but is recommended. We recommend that you take out travel insurance with our partner Chapka. For a long stay, repatriation insurance is compulsory to obtain a visa.

🙅‍♂️ Finally, I no longer want to leave, can I get a refund?

Unfortunately, once paid and the file validated by us, a visa application is not refundable. I invite you to contact us for further information.

🔐 Is the data on this site protected?

The data that you can enter on this site is protected and only used to obtain the requested visa.. Our payment process is secure, and no banking data concerning you is stored on our servers. All people handling your data work under confidentiality contracts.

See our privacy policy